
Morishima Memo


""Live in the now," you know?...Whatever the fuck that means."

welcome to my random shit, im a crazy nerd for suda51 stuff. i love the silver case, its my favorite game ever.

my name is rex, im a stupid teenager who has way too much time on his hands. ive never made a website before so im simply experimenting over here.

i have my links on the sidebar.

About Me


"Today, those goddamn pig-fucking asshole sons of bitches are finally finishing that construction."

who is this rex guy? im that rex guy, im a boy who is CRAZY, i mean CRAZY. like literally crazy. i love video games and retro aesthetics so i am here to make a stupid website for whatever reason.

i love to draw and create art, sometimes ocs, most of the time my favorite characters. i post on the bird app my art.

my favorite character ever, yeah tokio morishima. the guy ever


will i keep working on this site? maybe who knows, because i dont. i dont know how to do this.